
Medina Residential Painting


If you are actively looking for a professional painting company that offers advanced residential painting services in Medina, WA and its surrounding areas, end your search with us. We, at PaintSmith, offer exceptional Medina residential painting services for our valuable customers. In operation since 1973, we have served countless customers with their various Medina residential painting needs. Through our Medina residential painting services, we have been able to earn the precious trust and confidence of our customers.

You can give us a call to discuss with us your vision and expectations for a painting job in your residential property. We will accordingly suggest to you the best package. Trust us for these needs:

  • Kitchen painting
  • Bathroom painting
  • Living room painting
  • Entryway painting

Call PaintSmith if you require Medina residential painting services.

(206) 333-6171.

Medina Residential Interior Painting


For Medina residential interior painting services, rely only on a licensed, bonded, and certified company like us. We are vastly experienced, having completed multiple Medina residential interior painting projects in the past. We are very customer-centric and understand exactly how significant an investment a Medina residential interior painting job can be for our customers. This is why we leave no stone unturned to ensure our customers are delighted by our Medina residential interior painting services and get the desired returns.

Rest assured you will receive impeccable services and your residential property will become a treat to the eyes! Our paint will subtly match the overall interior design of your house. You can rely on us for:

  • Faux-finishes for walls
  • Pressure washing
  • Cabinet painting
  • Wallpaper removal

Call PaintSmith if you require exceptional Medina residential interior painting services.

(206) 333-6171.

Medina Residential Exterior Painting


We have employed a team of factory-trained painters for Medina residential exterior painting services. Our technicians and painters employed for Medina residential exterior painting services have elaborate experience behind them. We especially advise our Medina residential exterior painting service providers to always maintain a professional stance throughout the job. However, feel free to ask important paint maintenance questions to our Medina residential exterior painting technicians and they will be pleased to answer.

Our painters ensure minimal disturbance to you while they decorate and adorn the exteriors of your house with some vibrant paints! They also clean up the job site before leaving so you are kept out of any hassle. You can choose us for services that include:

  • Interior painting
  • Exterior painting
  • Wallcoverings
  • Color consultation

Call PaintSmith if you want top-notch Medina residential exterior painting services.

(206) 333-6171.