
Bothell Commercial Painting


PaintSmith started commercial painting service in 1973 and has a successful track record over the years in Bothell, WA. We are one of the best to contact for painting related jobs for Bothell commercial painting. Our quality of service and the materials we use for painting are incomparable in Bothell commercial painting.

As our tag line specifies: “Old World Craftsmanship, New Age Technology,” we are trained to adapt and use new technology products and techniques for painting and related works in Bothell commercial painting. We offer the best service, quality of work, and world class paints at competitive pricing in Bothell commercial painting.

We offer services like these:

  • Industrial painting
  • Water tank painting
  • Pavement marking and painting
  • Painting professionals

Call PaintSmith for Bothell commercial painting in the area now!

(206) 333-6171

Bothell Commercial Interior Painting


Are you planning to get your Bothell commercial interior painting done on your office space or residential space? We are experts in painting and related works. The interior of your building displays the business profile of the company. In Bothell commercial interior painting, we have a long-term relation with existing customers so that timely maintenance and care of your building will increase the life and value of the property.

Our team in Bothell commercial interior painting utilizes the knowledge and experience in the painting technology to protect and conserve your building. Bothell commercial interior painting services will give you an executable plan to keep your building looking new for years.

  • Interior wall painting patterns
  • Washable interior paints
  • Painting tools and machines
  • Top-brand painting products

Call PaintSmith for Bothell commercial interior painting!

(206) 333-6171

Bothell Commercial Exterior Painting


The appearance of your building from the outside creates the first impression about your company and business. To keep the exterior of your building making a fine impression for everyone, you require a very experienced and skillful team in Bothell commercial exterior painting. Bothell commercial exterior painting makes a good impression for your business, and it will stand up with pride.

It requires immense care and knowledge to select the paint which lasts for a long period of time and the way it is applied, without any additional maintenance. In Bothell commercial exterior painting, our contractors have been doing this business for years, so you can experience the quality of our work and timely completion. Call us to discuss further.

  • Commercial wall preparation
  • Commercial painting tools
  • Commercial crane services
  • Exterior re-painting

Call PaintSmith for Bothell ommercial exterior painting!

(206) 333-6171